Symptoms Of a Bad Or Failing Ignition Cable

Mar. 09, 2021

Symptoms Of a Bad Or Failing Ignition Cable

Ignition cables, commonly called spark plug wires, are an integral part of the ignition system. Although most new cars now use coil plug ignition systems, ignition cables can still be found in many road-driving cars and trucks. The working principle of the ignition system is to periodically emit sparks to ignite the fuel mixture of the engine. The job of the Car Ignition Cables is to bring the engine's spark from the ignition coil or distributor to the engine's spark plug.

The spark plug cable is made of durable, low-resistance material that can withstand the high energy of the ignition system, as well as the hood under harsh conditions. Because they are connected to the spark, it is necessary for the engine to run, and when the spark plug cable has any problems, it can cause problems that can affect the performance of the engine. Usually, a faulty ignition cable will produce some symptoms that can alert the driver of potential problems.

1. Reduce power, acceleration, and fuel efficiency

One of the most common symptoms of ignition cable problems is engine performance problems. The ignition cable carries the spark from the coil and distributor to the spark plug so that the engine can burn. If there is any problem with the spark plug wire, the engine's spark may be disturbed, which may cause engine performance problems such as misfire, power and acceleration reduction, and fuel efficiency reduction. In severe cases, a bad cable may even cause the engine to stall.

2. Check that the engine light comes on

Another symptom of a potential problem with the ignition cable is the lighting check engine light. The faulty cable may cause the engine to misfire and excessive air-fuel ratio. If detected by the computer, both of these conditions will trigger the "check engine light". Checking the engine light can also trigger some other performance problems, so it is strongly recommended to have a computer scan for the fault code.

3. The cable is obviously worn or damaged

Visible wear or damage is another symptom of ignition cable problems. Old cables may dry out, which can cause insulation cracks. The cables may also rub against hot manifolds or engine components, which may cause them to melt and burn. Both of these issues can compromise the cable's ability to transmit sparks to sparks. This can lead to fires and other performance problems, and in more severe cases, it can even cause cables to short-circuit the engine.

Although many of the newer cars produced today do not have ignition cables, they still appear in a large number of cars and trucks in motion and play a vital role in engine performance. If you suspect that your car may have a problem with the ignition cable, ask a professional technician to inspect the vehicle, to determine whether the cable should be replaced.

We are an Ignition Cable manufacturer. If you are interested in our products, please feel free to contact us.

Ignition Cable